New world. New skills. - PwC

Everyone should be able to live, learn, work and participate in the digital world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated changes in how and where we work. For many organisations the crisis brought to the fore the discrepancy between the skills people have and those needed for jobs in the digital world.

Upskilling the global workforce to bridge the digital divide is a complex problem that requires business leaders, governments and educators to work together to make the world a more resilient, more capable and more inclusive place.

We’ve been on a journey to upskill our own people and we’re excited to share what we've learned and help businesses, governments, local communities and individuals accelerate their upskilling journey.

How to start upskilling

Building on our work with clients, we are working with other organisations across the world like UNICEF, to improve digital skills in communities where the need is greatest. Still, more must be done if we are to ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn, work and participate in the digital world. This is at the heart of our purpose.

How do organisations upskill?

Organisations are transforming their workforces to drive productivity, innovation and growth. Upskilling is key. It’s about anticipating the right skills for the future, laying the cultural foundation, delivering modern upskilling programmes, and building a learning and development function with the right EdTech to deliver a vastly better return on upskilling investment. Find out how we can help you upskill.

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